
Mar 14, 20213 min


Updated: Mar 29, 2021

When we think of losing weight we believe to do this we have to eat less. However, when we eat less we slow our metabolism. When really if we want to lose weight we should focus on a flexible metabolism and revving up the metabolism. To do this we need to make sure first that our digestion is working properly so are ingesting our food, that it is actually being broken down and pushed into the body. If you are bloating, having gas, or heartburn you likely need to invest in improving your digestion. One simple way is adding pancreatic enzymes, your pancreas is what provides the enzymes for the body. Another way to boost digestion of fats specifically is adding MCT oil a couple of times a day or you can even do L-Carnitine, these two supplements help metabolize fat and help the liver and colon to flush. Building muscle is another way to rev the metabolism due to muscle needs of an abundance of calories. Just sitting you will burn more calories having muscle mass.

Eating foods that fuel the body and feed parts of the body can help with boosting metabolism, having the right amount of protein (whole proteins), having fats, staying away from deep-fried foods, corn oil, canola oil, cottonseed oil, soy, safflower, and sunflower oils. Go towards raw dairy, meats, grass-fed butter, nut butter freshly ground, olive oil, coconut oil these fats help support the body. Cooking in lards and tallow rather than plant-based oils.

Increase your calories with whole foods, not foods in a box, bag, or can. Feeding your body whole food that is not laced in sugar, deep-fried, or overcooked. These all keep our body running efficiently and using the food to rebuild. Then slowly building up calories over time, boosts the metabolism, feeds the body, and helps the body to burn calories more efficiently. When we decrease calories and increase our workload the body sense we are in starvation mode and we are needing to survive, it wants to hold on to all it can to not starve and to survive.

If we are eating foods that are loaded with toxins that have chemicals all over them that the body has to deal with those toxins and it makes it harder to get to the nutrients. Plus it is now having to toss toxins in the fat to protect your vital organs. It will not let go of this fat until the body can rid it of the toxins stored in it.

Love your body support a flexible metabolism, good digestion, and nourishment. Be aware of what you are putting in your mouth how it was grown or raised, how it was packaged, the process it has gone through to get to you. It is easy to get caught up in life and not take time to feed your body correctly and then feel you have to starve it to correct the issue caused by sugar and toxin-laced foods.

Before doing much with calories I recommend, reducing sugar to as close as you can to 28 grams of sugar, eliminate Corn, Canola, Cottonseed, Sunflower, Safflower, and soy oil. Reduce and eliminate as much as possible deep-fried foods, especially fast food deep-fried food. Use organic foods raised in good conditions prepare your foods right soak, ferment, and cook them properly.
