
Mar 29, 20212 min


Gut bacteria are so important to how our digestion works, our mood, and our health. With all the cleaning supplies we use not to mention the processing of our foods we lack support for good bacteria.

In the gut we want good and "bad" bacteria the problem comes in when the balance is off and our "bad" bacteria become more populated. Bad bacteria when imbalanced damage the gut wall and put out neurotoxins. When the bacteria are in proper balance bad bacteria does good things like create our vitamin K and supports healthy digestion.

Because we sterilize things so much we are casing a lot of the imbalance. We need things raw and to have bacteria of all sorts to boost our immune and the strength of our bacteria. Many often just buy and dump in bacteria, some are okay with this some have extremely painful cramping and feel sick. Why does this happen? Well as I said due to sterilizing the gut and stripping out good bacteria and causing an imbalance when you through a ton of good bacteria in there you have a die-off. People who are keeping raw milk, bone broth, and fermented foods help support the probiotics and the environment for them to thrive. Those of us who eat out most meals, use harsh chemicals constantly, do a lot of rounds of antibiotics, or eat foods filled with antibiotics can be causing damage to the gut wall lining and creating an imbalanced environment for the probiotics to survive.

When you go into any environment and do a mass kill off you quickly changing the environment and that die-off creates a major toxic load that has to be dealt with. You need to work in slowly and little by little clear. A major change and die-off can make someone very sick. If your gut is doing badly adding a few cups of meat stalk a day and then moving to bone broth is a great way to start this change. Then adding quality yogurt with probiotics or fermented foods. This can help slowly move the environment to good quality, and help you to thrive the body's toxic load will decrease and digestion can improve.

Your average adult should have 15-20 billion bacteria cells added in a day. Infant to 12 months 1-2 billon, toddlers 1-2 years old 2-4 billon, Child 2-4 years old 4-8 billon, 4-10 years old 8-12 billion, 12- 16 years old 12-15 billon (GAPS book Dr. Natasha McBride). We have around 39 trillion bacteria cells in our body in many various strains which makes it important to do probiotics with different strains.

If you would like help with gut health go to the main page and do the survey, or make an appointment to come in and get a scan in the office. We can also do appointments over google meet if you are not local to me.
