
Mar 71 min

Cholesterol, what can cause high cholesterol? With protocols

Updated: Mar 8

So when you are looking at your cholesterol and how to manage it and diet restraints. It isn't about meat or no meat. It is about quality meat with no extra preservatives, sugars and chemicals. It is also about organic plant foods higher in fiber, not sugars. It is about nourishing the body specific to the liver, and arteries/vessels, and lowering sugar and chemicals in the bloodstream.

Fatty liver

Choline 3-3

Cholacol 2-2

Livton 2-2

Alpha Lipoic Acid 300mg pills 1-1

Garlic forte 1-1

Policosinal 1 at bedtime with Cyrtua

Cyruta or Cyruta plus 3-3 and 3 at bedtime

Those on a statin it is beneficial to absorb fats so you want to take

Cholacol 2-2

Cyruta 4-4

Livaplex 2-2

Garlic Forte 1-1

Policosanol (prefer Source naturals) 1 -20 mg at bedtime with the Cyrtua

Basic support for cholesterol.

Livaplex 2-2

Diaplex 3-3

Cyruta or Cyruta plus 3-3 and 3 at bedtime

policosanol 1 at bedtime

Soy Bean Lecithin 3-3

Elevated Triglycerides

Cholacol 2-1

Cholaplex 4-4

Diaplex if you are diabetic or prediabetic 4-4

Garlic forte 1-1

Gymnema 4 grams or 1-1

With many of these to begin may not be bad to always have in Cholacol at least 1-1

even if it is not on the protocol.

To reduce inflammation Cod Liver oil 3 a day, Tuna Omega 3 a day, some of you may need Super EFF or Cataplex F due to trouble breaking down fat and never damage.

Lung support Cataplex ACP 3

Kidney support or water retention Ac carbamide 2-2 with 4 ounces of water each dose

Renafood 3-3
